Are you ready to get San Francisco moving in the right direction?

If you are, then let’s work together to get this city back on track.

Obviously I’m not going to win this election solely by typing on a keyboard in my basement office.  In the end it will be a real world struggle, with real world requirements.

So right now I am in need of three things: funding, technical expertise, and experienced advisors.


Obviously I am unlikely to attract a mountain of campaign contributions when nobody either knows my name or can be absolutely sure that I’m not actually a Russian hacker.

But that does not mean that we cannot start planning and preparing the infrastructure to receive a mountain of campaign contributions, legally and ethically, when the time is right.  Let’s talk about that in the next section, about technical expertise.

Meanwhile, if you like my positions on the city’s issues, and  you think you might be interested in helping me with a financial contribution once I go public and prove that I’m actually a stellar guy, it would be helpful to know that now. 

So until my contributions website is up and running, please send me an email message and let me know that you are pondering a supporting contribution.  And how much you might be pondering.  This will help in many ways, including when it comes to attracting technical expertise.


While I have plenty of business and administrative experience, I’ve never managed a political campaign contribution infrastructure, or a political campaign in general.  So I’ll definitely be looking for some help with that.

Obviously I don’t have a campaign war chest quite yet.  And if you visited my About Me page you learned that I have multiple college tuitions in my future.  So to begin with you’ll need to understand that you will be volunteering to help. 

However, if we win, I will not only be grateful, but I will be in a position to reward you with a plum job in a low-performing city department, or an overpriced consulting gig, or maybe with a no-bid un-audited vaguely-defined services contract.  You know, something like that.

Juuuuuuust kidding.  Really.  But maybe you are in a position in life where you can invest some time and effort, “sweat equity” as it were, in a good cause.  I employed that approach myself once upon a time in my own working career.  It worked out pretty good for me.  Maybe it could for you, too.

I’d love to talk to you, if you’d like to explore this a little bit. 


I have a feeling that there are more than a few people here in the city that during their lifetime have accrued some experience in and around city politics. 

And I have a feeling that some of those same people don’t like the state of affairs here in the city these days, and would like to find someone with some charisma, integrity, and common sense to get things going in the right direction, and begin to improve the reputation of this sad, bleak, god-forsaken cesspool that we call home. 😉

If this is you, please give me at least a cursory checking out.  You might be happy with what you discover.